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Syllabus Semester 1 (2017)

B.Tech  Common  Syllabus(1st  Sem) Semester  I HS  it  01  ENGLISH  FOR  PROFESSIONAL  COMMUNICAT  ION' (Objective  of  the  Course) To  impart  basic  skills  of  Communication  in  English  through  intensive  practice  to  the  First  Year UG Students  of Engineering  so  as  to  enable  them  to  function  confidently  &  effectively  in  that  Language  in  the Professional Sphere  of  their  life. Desirol  Entry  Behaviour The  student  must  have  some  basic  command  of  English  so  that  the  Student  must  be  able  to: 1.  Write  reasonably  &  grammatically 2.  Understand  (if  not  use)  at  least  some  2500  general  purpose  words  of  English 3.  Use  some  2000  (at  least  1500)  general-purpose  words  of  English  to  express  himself  in  writing &  1500  such  words  to  talk  about  day-to-day  events  &  experiences  of  life. 4.  Understand  slowly-delivered  spoken  material  in  Standard  Indian  English,  and Teaching  Method 5.  Speak  reasonably  clearly  (if  not  fluently)  on  routine  matters  with  his  fellow  Students.. 1.  The  topics  must  be  covered  essentially  through  plenty  of  examples.  Lecture  Classes  must  be conducted  as  Lecture-cum-Tutorial  Classes. 2.  It  is  a  course  that  aims  to  develop  skills.  It  is,  therefore,  "Practical"  in  orientation.  Plenty  of exercises  of  various  kinds  must  be  done  by  the  Students  both  inside  &  outside  the  Classroom.  . 3.  The  Teacher  must  not  depend  on  a  single  or  a  set  of  two  to  three  Text  Books.  He  must choose  his  materials  from  diverse  sources. 4.  Keeping  in  view  the  requirements  of  his  Students,  the  Teacher  may  have  to  prepare  some teaching  &  exerciss  materials. 5.  For  practice  in  listening,  good  Tape  Recorders  can  be  used  if  the  more  advanced  facilities (for'example,  Language  Laboratory)  are  not  available.  In  fact  they  can  be  used  very  fruitfully. 6.  The  Teacher  must  function  as  a  creative  Monitor  in  the  Classroom.
7.  Minimum  time  should  be  spent  in  Teaching  Phonetic  Symbols,  Stress,  Intonation  etc.  The  aim shodd  be  to  enable  the  Student  to  find  out  for  himself  the  correct  pronunciation  of  a  word  from  a Learner's  Dictionary.  In  Teaching  speaking,  emphasis  should  be  on  clarity,  intelligibility  & reasonable  fluency  rather  than  on  "Correct"  pronunciation  of  words.  Classroom  Presentation  & Group  Discussion  Sessions  should  be  used  to  teach  Speaking CHI  101  -  ENGINEERING  CHEMISTRY Atoms  and  Molecules particle  in  a  box  illustrating  energy  quantization,  angular  momentum  quantization,  radial  and angular  Parts  of  H  atom,  wave  fiinctions/orbitals,  probability  and  charge  distribution.  Many electron  atoms.  Homonuclear  and  lieteronuclear  diatomics,  covalent  bonds,  ionic  bonds  and electronegativity  concepts  Hybridization  and  shapes  of  molecules.  Non=covaleiit  interaction (Van  Der  Waals  and  hydrogen  Bonding). Reaction  Dynamics Rate  laws,  mechanisms  and  theories  of  reaction  rates  (collision  and  transition  state  theory). Lasers  in Chemistry. Electrochemistry Transition  Metal  Chemistry Application  of  electrode  potentials  to  predict  redox  reactions  in  solution  with  special  reference  to Lattimer  and  Frost  Diagrams. Structures  of  coordination  compounds  corresponding  to  coordination  numbers  up  to  6.  Types  of ligands.Isomerism  (geometrical,  optical,  ionization,  linkage  and  coordination).Theories  of bonding  in  coordination  compounds,  viz.  crystal  filed  theory,  valence  bond  theory.  Chelation. Brief  application  in  organic  synthesis  and  medicines  etc. Organo  metallic  Chemistry  and  Catalysis Structure  and  bonding  in  organo  metallic  complexes,  the  sixteen  and  eighteen  electron  rules, Homogeneous  catalysis,  the  role  of  metals  in  catalytic  cycles  during  some  chemical  reactions (e.g.  Hydroformyalation,  hydrogenation  etc.).  Role  of  metals  in  biology;  oxygen  carrier,  electron transfer  Structure  and  Reactivity  of  Organic  Molecules Inductive  effect,  resonance,  hyper  conjugation,  electrometric  effect  Caibonation,  carbanion  and free  Radicals.  Brief  study  of  some  addition,  elimination  and  substitution  reactions,  Cnformational analysis  (acyclic  and  cyclic  molecules),  geometrical  and  optional  isomerism;  E,  Z  and  R,  S nomenclature.  Polymerization Basic  concepts,  classification  and  industrial  application.  Photochemistry

Photo  excitation  of  carbon  substrates  (Norrish  type  I  and  type  II  reactions),  selected  examples of  the  Application  of  photolysis.  Photosynthesis  (Z-diagram).  Chemistry  of  vision. (2-1-0) CH1102-P  -  Engineering  Chemistry Acid-base  titration  (estimation  of  commercial  caustic  soda).  .  f  Redox  titration  (estimation  of  iron using  perrnanganometry). Preparation  arid  analysis  of  a  metal  complex  (for  example  thiourea/copper  sulfate  or  nickel chloride  /  ammonia  complexes. Chemical  kinetics  (determination  of  relative  rates  of  reaction  of  iodide  with  H2O2  at  room temperature  (clock  reaction) Heterogeneous  equilibrium  (determination  of  partition  coefficient  of  acetic  acid  between  nbutanol  and  water. Photochemical  oxidation-reduction  (study  of  photochemical  reduction  of  ferric  salt).  Viscosity  of solutions  (determination  of  percentage  composition  of  sugar  solution  from  viscosity).  Synthesis of  aspirin. Synthesis  of  p-nitro  aniline  from  acetanilide. Detection  of  functional  groups  in  organic  compounds. Radical  polymerization  of  vinyl  monomers  such  as  styrene,  acrylonitrile  etc. against  a  standard  NaOH  solution. 0-0-3/2 Theory  of  Relativity  « Conductometric  titration  (determination  of  the  strength  of  a  given  HC1  solution  by  titration PH1101  ENGINEERING  PHYSICS  -1  (3-1-0) Inertial  frame  of  reference,  Noninetrial  frames  and  fictious  forces,  Outline  of  relativity, Michelson-Morley  experiment,  Lorentz  transformation  of  space  and  time,  length  contraction, variation  of  mass  with  velocity,  equivalence  of  mass  and  energy. Geometrical  Optics Combination  of  thin  lenses,  cardinal  points  of  coaxial  system  of  thin  lenses,  thick  lenses, location  and  properties  of  cardinal  points,  graphical  construction  of  images. Physical  Optics

Interference  analytical  treatment  o  interference,  intensity  distribution  of  fringe  system,  coherent and  Non-coherent  sources,  fundamental  conditions  of  interference,  Fresnel's  biprism, displacement  of  fringes,  wedge  shaped  films,  Newton's  rings. Diffraction  -  single  slit  and  double  slit  diffraction,  diffraction  grating,  Limit  of  resolution,  resolving Power  of  grating  and  image  forming  systems. Polarisation  —  Brewster*  law,  double  refraction,  geometry  of  calcite  crystal,  optic  axis,  nicol prism,  Circularly  and  elliptically  polarized  light,  retardation  plates,  production  and  analysis  of planes,  polarimeter. Thermal  Physics Kinetic  theory  of;  gases,  Maxwellian  distribution,  mean  free  path,  transport  phenomena  in gases,  imperfect  gases  and  Vander  Waal's  equation  of  state. Accoustics Production  and  applications  of  Ultrasonics,  Accoustics  of  buildings.  Dynamics  of  riuids Continuity  equation,  Bernoulli's  theorem  and  its  applications,  Torcelli's  theorem,  Viscosity  flow  of Liquid  through  a  capillary  tube,  capillaries  in  series  and  parallel,  Stoke's  formula,  rotation iscometer. PH1102-P-Engineering  Physics-I  0-0-3/2 List  of  Experiments 4  .  To  determine  the  coefficient  of  viscosity  of  water  by  capillary  flow. .  .  To  determine  the  thermal  conductivity  of  a  bad  and  good  conductor  by  Lee's  method  and Searl's  method  respectively. To  determine  the  wave  length  of  light  by  Newton's  ring  method. To  determine  the  wave  length  of  light  by  Fresnel's  biprism. To  determine  the  dispersive  power  of  the  given  material  of  the  prism. To  determine  the  focal  length  of  combination  of  two  thin  lenses  by  nodal  si  ide  assembly  and its  verification. Determination  of  e/m  by  J.J.  Thomson's  method. Measurement  of  thermo  emf  between  different  types  of  thermocouples  as  a  function  of temperature  difference  between  the  junction,  measurement  of  an  unknown  temperature.  .  Use of  Carry  Foster  Bridge.  .  Study  of  electromagnetic  induction.

.  Study  of  electromagnetic  damping  and  determination  of  terminal  velocity  reached  by  a  magnet, falling  in  a  metallic  tube.  Study  of  LCR  circuits  with  AC  current.  Determination  of  Plank's Constant  using  photocells. MH1101  MATHEMATICS  -1 Calculus  of  Functions  of  One  Variable  "  '•^b^^MB^BB Successive  differentiation,  Libnitz's  theorem  (without  proof),  Rolle's  theorem,  Mean  value theorem  and  Taylor's  theorem.  Fundamental  theorems  of  integral  calculus,  elementary reduction  formulae  for  integrals.  Applications  to  length,  area,  volume,  surface  area  of  revolution, moments  and  centers  of  gravity. Infinite  Series  :  Convergence,  divergence,  comparison  test,  ratio  test,  Cauchy  Leibnitz's theorem,  absolute  and  conditional  convergence.  Expansions  of  functions  into  Taylor  and Maciaurin  series.  Calculus  of  Functions  of  Several  Variables Partial  derivatives,  chain  rule,  gradient  and  directional  derivative.  Differentiation  of  implicit functions,  Exact  differentials.  Tangent  planes  and  normals.  Maxima,  minima  and  saddle  points. Simple  problems  in  extrema  of  functions  with  constraints  -  methods  of  Lagrange multipliers.MultipIe  integrals-  double,  and  triple  integrals.  Jacobeans  and  tansformations  of coordinates.  Applications  to  areas,  volumes  etc.  Vector  Calculus Scalar  and  vector  fields.  Line  and  surface  integrals.  Gradient,  divergence  and  curl.  Line integrals  independent  of  path.  Green's  theorem,  divergence  theorem  and  Stake's  theorem (without  proofs)and  their  simple  applications. (3-1-0) ME1101  ENGINEERING  MECHANICS Plane  Trusses fundamentals  of  Mechanics  -  Basic  concepts  Force  Systems  and  Equilibrium Force,  Moment  and  couple,  Principle  of  Transmissibility,  Varignon's  theorem,  Resultant  of  force systems-Concurrent  and  non-concurrent  coplanar  forces,  Free  body  diagram,  Equilibrium equations  and  their  uses  in  solving  elementary  engineering  problems. The  structural  model,  simple  trusses,  analysis  of  simple  trusses  :  method  of  joints,  method  of sections,  graphical  method. Friction Introduction,  laws  of  coulomb  friction,  simple  contact  friction  problems,  belt  friction,  the  square screw  thread,  rolling  resistance. Properties  of  Surfaces

First  moment  of  an  area  and  centroid,  second  moment  and  product  of  area  ,  of  a  plane  area, transfer  theorems,  relations  ,  between  second  moment  and  product  of  area,  polar  moment  of inertia,  principal  axes,  mass  moment  of  inertia. Virtual  Work Work  of  a  force,  Principle  of  Virtual  work  and  its  application.  Kinematics  of  Rigid  bodies Plane  motion,  Absolute  motion,  Relative  motion,  Translating  axes  and  rotating  axes.  Kinetics  of Rigid  bodies Plane  motion,  Work  and  energy,  Impulse  and  momentum. (3-1-0) ME1102-P  -  Engineering  Mechanics I^ist  of  Experiments To  determine  the  Newton's  second  law  of  motion  by  Fletcher's  trolley  apparatus.  To  determine the  moment  of  inertia  of  a  flywheel  about  its  axis  of  rotation.  To  verify:  (a)  the  conditions  of equilibrium  offerees  by  parallel  force  apparatus,  (b)  The  principal  of  moments  by  crank  lever. To  determine  the  dry  friction  between  inclined  plane  and  slide  boxes  of  different  materials,  To determine  the  coefficient  of  friction  between  the  belt  and  rope  and  the  fixed  pulley.  To  determine the  velocity  ratio  of  a  simple  screw  jack  and  to  plot  graph  between  (a)  Effort-Load  (b)  FrictionLoad  (c)  Efficiency-Load  To  measure  the  area  of  a  figure  with  the  help  of  a  Polar  Planimeter. 0-0-3/2 EE1101-  BASIC  ELECTRICAL  ENGINEERING  (3-1-0) I)C  Networks Single  Phase  AC  Circuits Kirchoff  s  laws,  node  voltage  and  mesh  current  methods;  Delta-star  and  star-delta  conversion; Classification  of  Network  Elements,  Superposition  principle,  Thevenin's  and  Norton's  theorems. Single  phase  EMF  generation,  average  and  effective  values  of  sinusoids;  Solution  of  R,L,C series  circuits,  the  j  operator,  complex  representation  of  impedances;  Phasor  diagram,  power factor,  power  in  complex  notation;  Solution  of  parallel  and  series=parallel  circuits;  Resonance. Three  phase  AC  Circuits Three  phase  EMF  generation,  delta  and  Y-connection,  line  and  phase  quantities;  Solution  of three  phase  circuits,  balanced  supply  voltage  and  balanced  load;  Phasor  diagram, measurement  of  power  in  three  phase  circuits;  three  phase  four  wire  circuits;  Unbalanced circuits.

Magnetic  Circuits Ampere's  circuital  law,  B-H  curve,  solution  of  magnetic  circuits,  Hysteresis  and  eddy  current losses,  Relays,  an  application  of  magnetic  force. Transformers Construction,  EMF  equation,  ratings;  Phasor  diagram  on  no  load  and  full  load;  Equivalent circuit,  regulation  and  efficiency  calculations;  Open  and  short  circuit  test;  Auto-transformers  and three  phase  transformers. Induction  Motors  ; The  revolving  magnetic  field,  principle  of  operation,  ratings;  Equivalent  circuit;  Torque-speed characteristics;  Starters  for  squirrel  cage  and  would  rotor  type  induction  motors;  Single  phase induction  motors. DC Machines Construction,  EMF  and  torque  equations;  Characteristics  of  DC  generators  and  motors;  Speed control  Of  DC  motors  and  DC  motor  starters;  Armature  reaction  and  commutation. Electrical  Measuring  Instruments DC PMMC instruments,  shunts  and  multipliers,  multi-meters,  Moving  iron  ammeters  and voltameters;  Dynamometer  wattmeters,  AC  watt-hour  meters,  Extension  of  instrument  ranges. Power  Supply  Systems EE1102-P  -  Basic  Electrical  Engineering ist  of  Experiments General  structure  of  electrical  power  systems;  power  transmission  and  distribution  via  overhead lines  and  underground  cables,  steam,  hydro,  gas  and  nuclear  power  generation. To  measure  the  amature  and  field  resistance  of  a  DC  machine. To  calibrate  a  test  (moving  iron)  ammeter  and  a  (dynamometer)  wattmeter  with  respect  to standard  (DCPMMC)  ammeter  and  voltmeters. Verification  of  circuit  theorems,  Thevenin's  and  Superposition  theorems  (with  DC  Sources  only). Voltage-current  characteristics  of  incandescent  lamps  and  fusing  time-current  characteristicsof fuse  wire. Measurement  of  current,  voltages  and  power  in  R-L-C  series  circuit  excited  by  (single  phase) AC  supply. Open  circuit,  and  short  circuit  tests  on  a  single-phase  transformer.

Connection  and  starting  of  a  three-phase  induction  motor  using  direct  online  (DOL)  or  stardelta  starter.  * Connection  and  measurement  of  power  consumption  of  a  fluorescent  lamp. Determination  of  open  circuit  characteristics  (OCC)  of  a  DC  machine. Starting  and  speed  control  of  a  DC  shunt  motor. Connection  and  testing  of  a  single-phase  energy  meter  (unity  power  factor  load  only).  Twowattmeter  method  of  measuring  power  in  three-phase  circuit  (resistive  load  only).  Measurement of  thermo  emf  between  different  types  of  thermocouples  as  a  function  of  temperature.difference between  the  junction,  measurement  of  an  unknown  temperature.  Design  and  use  of potentiometer.  Study  of  LCR  circuits  with  AC  current. 0-0-3/2 ED1101-P  ENGINEERING  GRAPHICS  -1 general Importance,  Significance  and  scope  of  engineering  drawing,  Lettering,  Dimensioning,  Scales, Sense  of  proportioning,  Different  types  of  projections,  Orthographic  projections,  B.I.S. Specifications. Projections  of  Points  and  Lines Planes  Other  thaii  the  Reference  Planes Introduction  of  planes  of  projection,  Reference  and  auxiliary  planes,  projections  of  points  and lines  in  different  quadrants,  traces,  inclinations,  and  true  lengths  of  the  lines,  projections  on auxiliary  planes,  shortest  distance,  intersecting  and  non-intersecting  lines. Introduction  of  other  planes  (perpendicular  and  oblique),  their  traces,  inclinations  etc., projections  of  points  and  lines  lying  in  the  planes,  conversion  of  oblique  plane  into  auxiliary plane  and  solutions  of  related  problems. Projections  of  Plane  Figures Different  cases  of  plane  figures  (of  different  shapes)  making  different  angles  with  one  or  both reference  planes  and  lines  lying  in  the  plane  figures  making  different  given  angles  (with  one  or both  reference  planes).  Obtaining  true  shape  of  the  plane  figure  by  projection. Projection  of  Solids Simple  cases  when  solid  is  placed  in  different  positions  Axis  faces  and  lines  lying  in  the  faces  of the  solid  making  given,  angles. Development  of  Surface

Development  of  simple  objects  with  and  without  sectioning. Isometric  Projection Nomography Basic  concepts  and  uses (0-0-3) WP1101-P  WORKSHOP  PRACTICE  I  &  II  (0-0-3) Carpentry:  Timber,  definition,  engineering  applications,  seasoning  and  preservation,  plywood and  plyboards. foundry:  Moulding  sands,  constituents  and  characteristics,  Pattern,  definition,  materials,  types, core  prints  Role  of  gate,  runner,  riser,  core  and  chaplets.  Causes  and  remedies  of  some common  casting  defects  like  blow  holes,  cavities,  inclusions. Metal  Joining:  Definitions  of  welding,  brazing  and  soldering  processes  and  their  applications. Oxy-acetylene  gas  welding  process,  equipment  and  techniques,  type  of  flames  and  their applications.  Manual  metal  arc  welding  technique  and  equipment,  AC  and  DC  welding, electrodes,  constituents  and  functions'of  electrode  coating.  Welding  positions.  Type  of  weld joint.  Common  welding  defects  such  as  cracks,  undercutting,  slag  inclusions,  porosity. Metal  Cutting:  Introduction  to  machining  and  common  machining  operations.  Cutting  tool materials.  Definition  of  machine  tools,  specification  and  block  diagram  of  lathe,  shaper,drilling machine  and  grinder,Common Lathe  operations  such  as  turning,  parting,  chamfering  and  facing.  Quick  return  mechanism  of shaper.  Difference  between  drilling  and  boring.  Files  -  material  and  classification. Forging:  Forging  principle,  materials,  operations  like  drawing,  upsetting,  bending  and  forge welding,  use  of  forged  parts.. List  of  Jobs  to  be  made  in  the  Workshop  GroupA 1.  T-Lap  joint  and  Bridle  joint  (Carpentry  shop)  4  hrs. 2.  Mould  of  any  pattern  (Foundry  shop)  2  hrs 3.  Casting  of  any  simple  pattern  (Foundry  shop)  2  hrs  Group  B 1.  (a)  Gas  welding  practice  by  student  on mild  steel  flat  2  hrs (b)  Lap  joint  by  Gas  welding 2.  (a)  MMA  Welding  practice  by  students  2  hrs  (b)  Square  butt  joint  by  MMA  Welding

3.  (a)  Lap  joint  by  MMA  Welding  1  hrs  (b)  Demonstration  of  brazing  1  hrs 4.  Tin  smithy  for  making  mechanical  joint  and soldering  of  joints. Group  C 2  hrs 1.  Job  on  lathe  with  cue  step  turning  and chamfering  operations 2  hrs 2.  Job  on  shaper  for  finishing  two  sides  of  a  job  2  hrs 3.  (a)  Drilling  two  holes  of  size  S  and  12  mm diameter  on  job  used/to  be  used  for  shaping 2  hrs (b)  Grinding  a  corner  of  above  job  on  bench  grinder  2  hrs 4.  Finishing  of  two  sides  of  a  square  piece  by  filing  2  hrs


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